Reporting Guide Glossary

Reporting Guide Glossary

This article will walk you through a glossary of terms in the Reporting section of the LiveIntent platform.


The table below shows the definitions of metrics used in reports for both Inventory and Campaign Manager.

Metrics denoted with * are Legacy Metrics in Campaign Manager used for reporting on dates before April 1, 2025. Learn more here.

Metrics denoted with ** are Adjusted Metrics in Inventory Manager used to account for inflation due to automatic opens in the Apple Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) environment. Learn more here.

Ad Serving CostThe cost of all the clicks or impressions that the campaign received. 
Ad Serving FeeAn impression-based monthly fee.
Booked CPMThe total booked impressions and clicks for the line items in the order.
ClicksReports on all links in the email. 
ConversionsThe percentage of visitors that land on your website who complete a purchase, email signup, or other desired action divided by the total number of people exposed to the campaign.
Conversion Rate (Total Conversions)*Total conversions divided by impressions
CTRClick Through Rate. 

The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions and is the top-level metric used to evaluate engagement with ads in email.
CTR (a)**Adjusted Click Through Rate. 

The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions and is the top-level metric used to evaluate engagement with ads in email adjusted for Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection.
eCPAEffective Cost Per Acquisition. 

The cost to acquire a conversion from a campaign.
eCPA (Total Conversions)*Effective Cost Per Acquistion
eCPA (Total Intermediate Conversions)*Cost per Intermediate Conversion
First ImpressionsThe first time the user opens an email with the creative; also known as Decisions.
First Impressions CTRFirst Impressions Click Through Rate
Gross eCPMA calculation of the ad revenue for a publisher generated by an ad slot or campaign before LiveIntent’s revenue share is taken out. Ad revenue is divided by the number of ad impressions expressed in units of 1,000.
ImpressionsThe number of times a creative is rendered, including the first time a user opens an email with the creative, subsequent times when a user reopens the same email, or if the email is forwarded to someone else and opened by another user.
Impressions (a)**The number of times a creative is rendered, including the first time a user opens an email with the creative, subsequent times when a user reopens the same email, or if the email is forwarded to someone else and opened by another user. This number is adjusted for Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection to account for inflation caused by machine opens.
Intermediate ROASIntermediate Return on Ad Spend
Intermediate UPAIntermediate User Purchase Amount
Net eCPMA calculation of the ad revenue for a publisher generated by an ad slot or campaign after LiveIntent’s revenue share is taken out. Ad revenue is divided by the number of ad impressions expressed in units of 1,000.
Net eCPM (a)**A calculation of the ad revenue for a publisher generated by an ad slot or campaign after LiveIntent’s revenue share is taken out. Ad revenue is divided by the number of ad impressions expressed in units of 1,000 adjusted for Apple Mail Privacy Protection.
NoAdsNoAd Decisions

A No-Ad decision is the instance when an ad decision doesn’t serve because there is no available demand to fill that impression.
Programmatic FeeThe charges made for serving programmatic ads.
Publisher RevenueThe revenue the Publisher makes from monetizing their email.
ReopensWhen a user opens a newsletter again after the first opening; or if an email is forwarded to someone and opened by another user.
ROASReturn on Ad Spend

A function of total revenue / total ad spend. ROAS is used to measure the efficacy of a digital advertising campaign – how successfully it produced revenue, and whether that revenue was worth the ad spend it took to acquire it.
SSP FeeThe fee that is paid to the supply-side platform to serve ads.
Total Conversions*The sum of post-view conversions and post-click conversions.
Total Intermediate Conversions*
User Purchase Amount (Total Conversions)Sales recorded from total conversions


The tables below shows definitions for the different reporting splits (Exact and Inexact) you can use in Campaign and Inventory Manager.

Exact Splits

Exact value based on unsampled data

Advertiser IDUnique ID in the LiveIntent platform for each specific advertiser.
Advertiser NameThe name of the Advertiser for the campaign in the report.
Bidder IDUnique ID for the DSP. For programmatic campaigns, this tells you if the demand came from LiveIntent or Third-Party DSPs. An empty value means that the demand was direct or house.
Blueprint IDUnique ID in the LiveIntent platform that is given to each blueprint.
Budget TypeThe type of budget that was set as the goal of the campaign (ex. Impressions)
Campaign BudgetIf there was a budget for the campaign included when the campaign was set up, it’ll be listed here.
Campaign IDUnique ID associated with the campaign in the LiveIntent platform.
Campaign NameThe name given to the campaign when setting it up in the LiveIntent platform.
Campaign Start DateThe day the campaign starts on; written as year – month – date.
Campaign End DateThe day the campaign ends; written as year – month – date.
ClickThrough URLThe URL that users will be directed to when they click on the creative.
Creative IDUnique ID assigned to the creative when it’s uploaded into the LiveIntent platform.
Creative NameThe name of the creative that’s set up when adding it to the LiveIntent platform.
Creative SizeThe size of the creative that’s used in the campaign.
Creative TypeThe type of creative that was served in the campaign (display or native). ‘Noad’ will appear in the report if no ad was served.
Creative URLThe URL associated with the specific creative used in the campaign.
Deal IDA deal ID is a system generated number that is assigned to a deal set up between a publisher and advertiser (Private Marketplace/PMP) OR LiveIntent and an advertiser (LiveIntent Curated Deal).
Demand TypeThis split shows the different demand that served, whether it was direct, house, or exchange.
Device TypeThis split shows the different devices that opened the campaign (ex. AppleMPPProxy, GoogleProxy, PC, Phone)
GAM Creative IDThe ID assigned to the creative when it’s uploaded into Google Ad Manager.
GAM Line Item IDThe ID given to the line item when setting it up in Google Ad Manager.
GuaranteedIf the campaign is set up as guaranteed, the number in this column tells you what priority level the campaign was set up as (1-5)
Is NCPThis split will tell you if the campaign is part of Native Curated Packages or not.
TRUE = Part of NCP
FALSE = Not a NCP campaign
Line Item BudgetWhen the line item was being set up, if a budget was included, that will be shown in this column.
Line Item IDThe ID given to the line item when setting it up in the LiveIntent platform.
Line Item NameThe name given to the line item when setting it up in the LiveIntent platform.
Line Item Start DateThe day the line item starts; written as year – month – date.
Line Item End DateThe day the line item ends; written as year – month – date.
PacingTells you what pacing the campaign was set at (will be either “ASAP” or “Even”).
Publisher DomainThe URL associated with the publisher the campaign ran with.
Publisher IDThe ID given to each publisher when they’re set up in the LiveIntent platform.
Publisher NameThe name of the publisher associated with the campaign.
Mail TypeThe type of ad that is served in the newsletter (ex. native).
Section IDThe section ID is a parameter in each click url and image url that helps identify the ad slot.
Section NameThe name of the section (i.e. ad slot / ad unit) where the campaign was served.
Template IDThe ID assigned to each template (i.e. newsletter) in the LiveIntent platform.
Template NameThe name of the template (i.e. newsletter) that was part of the campaign.

Inexact Splits

Estimated values based on sampled data

Advertiser DomainThe domain name of the advertiser serving in the newsletter.
AgeSplit the report out by age.
BrowserSplit the report out by different browsers.
CountrySplit the report out by country.
Device MakerView the makers of the devices that interacted with your campaign (ex. Apple).
Email DomainView the email domains that interacted with your campaign.
GenderSplit your report out by “male” or “female” to see who viewed your campaign.
ISPSplit your report out by internet service provider
ListList ID
Used to identify a specific email list or a subset of a list.
MetroSee the different metros where your campaign was viewed.
OSSee the different Operating Systems where your campaign was viewed.
Placement IDAn unique identifier for each email newsletter send. Represented as the “p=” value in LiveTag. Generally, the ESP handles filling out this value.
RegionSee the U.S. regions where your campaign was viewed.


The table below shows definitions for all the different filters you can use in Inventory and Campaign Manager reports.

Ad ServingThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ the LiveIntent and GAM (Google Ad Manager) ad servers from your report.
Advertiser Domain*This filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific advertiser domains from your report
Age*This filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific age ranges from your report. There is a dropdown of age ranges that you can select from.
Bidder Campaign IDThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific Bidder Campaign IDs from the report. Manually type in the IDs and use a comma to separate each ID.
Bidder IDThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific Bidder IDs from the report. Manually type in the IDs and use a comma to separate each ID.
Bidder SeatThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific Bidder Seats from the report. Manually type in the Seats and use a comma to separate each Seat.
Blueprint IDID associated with a specific publisher’s blueprint. 

This filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific Blueprint IDs from your report. Manually type in the blueprints and separate each blueprint ID with a comma. 
Browser*This filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific browsers from your report. There is a dropdown list of browsers you can select from.
Creative SizeThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific creative sizes from your report. In the dropdown menu, you can choose from preset sizes for the report, or you can choose ‘Other’ and type in a custom size.
Creative TypeThe type of creative that was served, either display or native.  ‘Noad’ will appear in the report if no ad was served.
Deal IDThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific Deal IDs from the report. Manually type in the IDs and use a comma to separate each ID.
Demand TypeThis filter shows whether the demand that was served is direct-sold, default (exchange), or house.
Device MakerThis filter shows the brand of device – such as Apple, LG, and Samsung – where the email was opened.
Device TypeThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific device types from your report. In the dropdown menu you can choose from a few different device types – such as PC, Phone, Tablet, or AppleMPPProxy.
Email DomainThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ email domains – such as Gmail or Yahoo – where the email was opened. Manually type in the email domains in the bar and separate each domain with a comma.
Gender*Use the dropdown menu to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ either Male or Female genders from your report.
Is NCPShows whether the exchange demand is from Native Curated Packages (NCP).
True = The campaign was NCP. 
False = The campaign wasn’t NCP.
ListThis filter allows you to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific lists from your report. Manually type in Lists and separate each List with a comma.
Mail TypeUse the dropdown menu to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ different Mail Types from your report. 

For a definition of each Mail Type, see the ‘Mail Type’ table below.
Metro/Country/Region*This filter allows you to either ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ a specific Metro, Country, or Region in your report. Click on ‘Select Metro/Country/Region’ to bring up a new screen where you can select locations.
OS*Use the dropdown menu to ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ specific Operating Systems in your report.
*Using these filters will cause numbers in this report to use estimated values based on sampled data.

Mail Type

The Mail Type filter is only available in Inventory Manager reports.

Mail TypeDefinition
MarqueeAbove the fold, high-impact ad units that command above-average CPMs. 
NewsletterDisplay ads served in a newsletter.
Native Ad BlueprintsTrue Native ads served in the newsletter using LiveIntent’s Native Ad Blueprints.

Ad Server

The Ad Server filter is only available in Inventory Manager reports.

Ad ServerDefinition
LiveIntentLine items that are served using LiveIntent’s email ad server.
GAMLine items that are served through Google Ad Manager with LiveIntent’s integration.

Attribution Settings

The Attribution Settings filter is only available in Campaign Manager reports. This is only used for historical reporting of legacy metrics. Those metrics are only populated for dates before Apr 1, 2025 and are denoted by “*” in the Metrics table above.

Attribution SettingDefinition
NoneNo attribution for the campaign.
PCC OnlyPost-Click Conversion attribution only
PCC+PVC 1hrPost-Click and Post-View Conversion credit for one hour post the user being served an impression.
PCC+PVC 24hrPost-Click and Post-View Conversion credit for twenty-four hours post the user being served an impression.
PCC+PVC 72hrPost-Click and Post-View Conversion credit for seventy-two hours post the user being served an impression.
PCC+PVC 72hr+Post-Click and Post-View Conversion credit for more than seventy-two hours post the user being served an impression.
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