Billing FAQ

Q: What do I do if my company has a new billing address?

A: Reach out to your account manager with the new address, and they will be sure to update your information on our Platform. If you are not sure who your account manager is, please email


Q: How can I find out more about my payment history?

A: First consult the Reporting API. For further questions, contact


Q: Who should I contact for billing discrepancies? 

A: Contact


Q: Can I make a payment using a credit card?

A: Yes. In order to do this, you must submit a credit request form to To obtain the request form and any additional information, please email  


Q: How do I obtain a copy of a recent statement or invoice?

A: Contact


Q: How are parties outside of the US (Canada, UK, and EU) billed on invoices?

A: Billing depends on the agreement that is stated on your client contract. Please reference the contract or reach out to your Account Manager if you need further information.


Q: Can LiveIntent bill in foreign currency?

A: We have the ability to bill in foreign currency (GBP, EUR, CAD) by converting using a USD exchange rate on the invoice date. 


Q: Where does LiveIntent generate the exchange rate?

A: We use the exchange rate that NetSuite provides us with, based on the date of the invoice.

NetSuite pulls its exchange rate from Xignite, which sources its data from Morningstar and provides the latest bid and ask exchange rates as well as the computed midpoint of these two quotes.

If you choose this rate provider, NetSuite uses this midpoint to fill the Currency Exchange Rates list with data. Morningstar obtains rates from a number of sources, as described at http://corporate.morningstar


For any other Billing Questions: please email or your dedicated account manager. 

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