Last updated: 11.01.2024
LiveConnect Tag Verification
Manually checking LiveConnect data
- In your browser, open Inspect and navigate to the Network tab.
- Type into the Filter field.
- Refresh the page.
- If LiveConnect is active, you should see results in the Network panel.
- Locate the request, which is the associated collector URL.
- Click on this request, then switch to the Payload panel to view data being collected and sent by LiveConnect.
- Review the contents of the se parameter:
- This contains a base64 encoding of any custom event data being pushed.
- If the se value is e30, it decodes as {} and indicates no custom event data is present (a standard page view without additional event data).
- To verify any custom event data:
- Copy the contents of se and go to
- Paste the se content and click Decode.
The setup is successful if there is a 200 response for both the main JavaScript library and the collector URL.
Optional: To view LiveConnect data and attributes, execute the command window.LI in the Console tab.
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