LiveConnect Tag Verification

LiveConnect Tag Verification

Manually checking LiveConnect data

  1. In your browser, open Inspect and navigate to the Network tab.
  2. Type into the Filter field.
  3. Refresh the page.
    1. If LiveConnect is active, you should see results in the Network panel.
  4. Locate the request, which is the associated collector URL.
  5. Click on this request, then switch to the Payload panel to view data being collected and sent by LiveConnect.
  6. Review the contents of the se parameter:
    1. This contains a base64 encoding of any custom event data being pushed.
    2. If the se value is e30, it decodes as {} and indicates no custom event data is present (a standard page view without additional event data).
  7. To verify any custom event data:
    1. Copy the contents of se and go to
    2. Paste the se content and click Decode.

The setup is successful if there is a 200 response for both the main JavaScript library and the collector URL. 

Optional: To view LiveConnect data and attributes, execute the command window.LI in the Console tab.

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