Blocking Tools for Publisher Inventory

Blocking Tools for Publisher Inventory

LiveIntent offers a handful of blocking tools for publishers seeking to prevent unwanted advertiser demand. Blocking tools can be used individually or in tandem with each other. This article will go over all the blocking tools and how they function. 

Individual blocking  

Block list (advertiser-level blocking)

This is a list of advertiser domains that are blocked on the publisher level within LiveIntent’s Inventory Manager. Block lists are a less restrictive blocking tool offered by LiveIntent and require less maintenance than other forms of blocking since they are inclusive of new advertiser spend going live.

A block list is best used to block specific advertisers and direct competitors from appearing in your newsletters. Publishers using a block list may have to reactively block an unwanted new advertiser after it appears in their inventory. 

Note: block lists can be used in tandem with all blocking tools except allow lists.

  • For example, The Daily Times has decided to implement a domain block list and blocks,, and Additionally, they have decided to implement IAB category blocking to block Health & Fitness IAB category. In this case, all of the individual domains chosen within the domain block lists and the advertisers under the Health & Fitness IAB category will be blocked.

Note: block lists only function on the short domain of the advertiser. For example, we can block on a block list, but not

If you would like to set up or update your block list, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Allow list (advertiser-level blocking)

This is a list of advertiser domains that are allowed on the publisher level within LiveIntent’s Inventory Manager. Allow lists are a more restrictive blocking tool offered by LiveIntent. Since new advertiser domains go live each week, allow lists will require continual updates in order to account for new advertiser spend.

An allow list is best used to maintain close control on advertiser demand and create an exclusive list of advertisers that are allowed to run in your newsletters. Any advertisers not included on your allow list will not be eligible to bid on your email inventory. 

Note: allow lists cannot work in tandem with block lists or IAB category blocking. Allow lists can work in tandem with sensitive category blocking which is applied at the creative-level.

  • For example, The Daily Times has decided to implement an allow list. Neither block lists or IAB category blocking will function concurrently because The Daily Times has already pre-approved a selection of advertisers. However, they have included within their allow list and would like to block creatives that advertise their intimate-wear products. The Daily Times can apply sensitive category blocking to block these creatives without removing from their allow list. 

Note: allow lists only function on the short domain of the advertiser. For example, we can add on an allow list, but not

If you would like to set up or update your allow list, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

If you want to learn more about when to use a block list or an allow list, check out this post.

Creative approval tool (advertiser-level blocking)

This tool allows publishers to approve or block advertisers added to LiveIntent’s exchange or our RTB partners.

The Creative Approval tool is best used to review creatives and decide if the associated advertiser should be added to your allow list or block list.

Note: you will need to add the creative to the allow or block list for all selected publishers.

For example, The Daily Times wants to actively block any new advertiser demand that uploads weight loss creatives. New advertisers, and upload new creatives and go live on the LiveIntent exchange. The Daily Times selects their blocking type, which is a block list, and adds and to their block list.


Category blocking 

IAB category blocking (advertiser-level blocking)

This is when one or more advertising categories are blocked on the publisher level within LiveIntent’s Inventory Manager. These categories are based on the standard Interactive Advertising Bureau’s advertising categories

IAB category blocking is best used to block industry verticals containing advertisers that compete or are inappropriate for your audience. This is a very scalable tool. 

Note: IAB categories are broad and can potentially contain advertisers that are acceptable for your inventory. 

  • For example, blocking IAB8: Food and Drink in order to block alcohol advertisers will prevent many advertisers beyond just alcohol from serving in your inventory. 

Note: only the main tier of IAB’s categories can be blocked. IAB category sub-tiers cannot be blocked. For example, the main tier of IAB 1: Style and Fashion can be blocked, but not sub-tier IAB 1-1: Women’s Clothing. 

If you would like to set up or update your IAB category blocking, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Sensitive category blocking (creative-level blocking)

This is when creatives that fall into specific sensitive categories are blocked on the publisher level within LiveIntent’s Inventory Manager. 

Sensitive category blocking is best used to control the creative content serving in your newsletters, such as – alcohol or religious content without blocking entire advertisers. Because of the creative-level setting, publishers can block creatives even from pre-approved advertisers. Publishers using this feature can protect their brand and their relationships with advertisers.

Note: sensitive category blocking can be used in tandem with other blocking tools and allow lists. 

  • For example, The Daily Times has blocked the sensitive category Significant Skin Exposure. However, The Daily Times has in their Allow list who want to advertise their new lingerie line on models. The creatives categorized under Significant Skin Exposure will be blocked, even though is within The Daily Time’s allow list.

Full list of sensitive categories

Alcohol Insurance Products
Astrology & esoteric Legal Casino Games & Gambling
CBD & related products Listicle

Celebrity Endorsements, Gossip & Tabloids

Loan Products


Misleading Financial Claims

Contests, Competitions and Sweepstakes Native-like
Cosmetic Procedures & Body Modification Pharmaceuticals & Medication
Cryptocurrency Political Campaigns & Elections
Dating Political Content & Products
Downloadable Utilities Religious Content 
Family & Relationships Sexual Health & Wellness
Health & Beauty Claims Significant Skin Exposure


If you would like to set up or update your sensitive category blocking, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Visit our Content Policy to see a full list of sensitive categories and their descriptions.

Choose your own path 

Sample Use Case Solution
I don’t want to see ads from certain advertiser domains, but would like be inclusive of new advertiser spend going live. Apply a block list and add all advertiser domains you would like to block. 
I only want to see ads from pre-approved advertisers. Apply an allow list and approve new advertiser demand.
I would like to block at the creative-level to block creatives that do not align with my brand, but still get demand from those advertisers. Apply sensitive category blocking. Select all of the sensitive categories you would like to block from serving in your inventory. 
New advertiser demand has gone live across LiveIntent exchange. I’d like to view this advertiser’s creatives to decide if I want to block or allow the advertiser. Use the creative approval tool to add them to your block or allow list. 
My customers are unhappy with intimate wear and lingerie ads, but enjoy other advertisements from the same advertiser.  Apply sensitive category blocking. In the publisher settings within the LiveIntent platform, select the category “Significant skin exposure”. 
I would like to block direct competitors.  For a more selective option, add the individual domains into a block list. If you’d like to block at a more encompassing level, apply IAB category blocking and choose the category. 
I would like to implement a more at-scale blocking option to block all advertisers that fall under food & drink. Apply IAB category blocking. In the publisher settings within the LiveIntent platform, select “IAB8: Food & drink”.
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