Content Policy

Content Policy

Each day, millions of people use email to: communicate, get their news, and connect with the people, brands, and institutions whose content they subscribe to.  LiveIntent works with publishers and brands to maximize the revenue generated on every email open while striving to simultaneously improve the reader’s experience. LiveIntent also works with advertisers to discover a new media channel for reaching incremental audiences and powering profitable growth. In doing this, we recognize our responsibility to serve content to our customers and their customers that is truthful, accurate, and does not promote hate, violence, harassment, or any other dangerous or violent activity. Any specific examples cited below are meant to illustrate the points of the policy and do not represent an exhaustive list of all potential content in violation of the content policy.

As customers of LiveIntent, we expect that you will adhere to these policies and guidelines. Ultimately, LiveIntent may allow, cancel, disallow or block an Advertiser or Publisher at any time for any reason in its sole discretion. This content policy shall be applicable to any and all ad inventory and content surrounding such ad inventory, including, but not limited to, ads served via direct sold and/or the LiveIntent Exchange. 

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Prohibited and Sensitive Content

Prohibited Content Categories: LiveIntent does not allow creatives or inventory containing the following types of content or subject matter, regardless of claims of legality on the LiveIntent Platform. Notwithstanding the foregoing, customers of LiveIntent must comply with any and all applicable laws related to their advertisements, email newsletters, or other content. 

Adult or Sexual Content

  • Sexually suggestive text, images or situations
  • Nudity including visible genitalia or female breasts 
  • Prostitution (direct solicitation or implied)

Celebrities, Influential Figures, and Endorsements without Consent or Authorization 

  • Misappropriation of an individual’s name, image, or likeness
  • False endorsement 

Tobacco and Related Products

  • Tobacco, including chewing tobacco
  • Cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos
  • Tobacco alternatives that contain no tobacco including electronic cigarettes (even if promoted as quit smoking aid)
  • Tobacco products including pipes, rolling papers, vaporizers

Dangerous Products or Services 

  • Ads promoting the sale of firearms or firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns, etc.
  • Explosive materials or fireworks including instructions for making explosives or other harmful products
    • Examples: Content promoting weapons and/or instructions on how to use them
  • Recreational drugs (chemical or herbal) or equipment to facilitate drug use 

Marijuana & Related Products

  • The branding and sale of marijuana products 
  • Creatives advertising information related to marijuana
    • Examples: Content promoting the use of THC products, content that includes medical claims and/or states that products will change or alter the user in any way

Healthcare and Medicine

  • Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia content
  • Herbal or dietary supplements that contain active or potentially hazardous ingredients
  • Products that imply or claim to match the effectiveness of approved or prescription drugs
    • Examples:  Content that includes medical claims, content that implies the product/service can cure, heal or remedy someone, content that promotes non-FDA approved products

  • Weight loss creatives including those with unsubstantiated or unreasonable weight loss claims


  • Political insensitivity
    • Examples: Content that disparages and/or promotes a person or group of people for their beliefs or stance on issues, content that is designed to single someone out or cause harassment, including inflammatory content using the likeness of a political or public figure


  • Ads that make unsubstantiated claims with hyperbolic language or imagery aimed to induce users to click them by appealing to their curiosity. 
  • Includes ads such as fake celebrity arrests or deaths, unrealistic health or beauty results, or fraudulent business schemes that are harmful

Violence and Discriminatory Practices

  • Content and associated websites advocating against a protected group. A protected group is distinguished by one of the following: race or ethnic origin, color, national origin or ancestry, religion or creed, citizenship, genetic information, disability, sex, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity
    • Examples: Content that disputes the validity of existence or right to exist of a protected group, or promotes hate groups
  • Content that fosters hate, harassment, discrimination or violence against an organization, person, or group of people, including protected groups
    • Examples: Content that implies a protected group is inferior to others, content promoting action against a group, content dismissing a marginalized group’s efforts for equality as promoting an “agenda” or similar
  • Attempts to revise history against the interests of a protected group
    • Examples: Content that claims historical events did not happen, denies a protected group has suffered or experienced discrimination, or misrepresents the actions of hate groups
  • The promotion of self-harm and violence against people or animals
    • Examples:Content promoting disordered eating techniques, self mutilation, suicide, terrorism or animal cruelty


  • Sale of Animal and Wildlife Products
  • Payday or cash offers
  • Hacking software or instructions 
  • Academic cheating services including the distribution of pre-written term papers or student essays
  • Abortion related advertisements or messaging
  • Funeral or cremation services
  • Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others

Sensitive Content Categories: Advertisements within this criteria may be allowed to run on the LiveIntent Platform with pre-approval by LiveIntent’s compliance department and/or LiveIntent supply partners. This includes any creatives that fall into the following categories.


  • Includes online sale of alcoholic beverages 
  • Brand or informational advertising for alcoholic beverages 

Astrology & Esoteric

  • Includes zodiac, horoscopes, love spells, potions, and psychic-related ads

CBD & Related products

  • Includes the branding and sale of CBD products 

Celebrity Endorsements, Gossip & Tabloids

  • Ads that include celebrities or politicians that promote their own products or businesses, If the endorsements are *not* legitimate, these ads will be blocked from serving across the LiveIntent exchange.
  • Ads that feature celebrity gossip that is not explicitly clickbait or fake news.


  • Ads that make unsubstantiated claims using hyperbolic language or imagery aimed to induce users to click them by appealing to their curiosity
    • Examples include ads with exaggerated claims about easy and revolutionary solutions to everyday problems, often overstating their effectiveness to attract clicks.

Contests, Competitions and Sweepstakes

  • Includes contests, competitions, prize draws or sweepstakes that attempt to capture consumer attention with opportunities to win money or prizes.

Cosmetic Procedures & Body Modification

  • Includes lifts, suctions, lasers, hair removal and restoration, tattoos, and body modification


  • Includes the buying and selling of cryptocurrency
  • Includes platforms or information related to cryptocurrency


  • Includes dating services and online dating communities
  • Chat sites and apps for meeting new people in general 

Downloadable Utilities

  • Includes software for download which is designed to enhance the functionality of an operating system or device, whether desktop or mobile. 
    • Examples: anti-virus software, file converters, driver updaters, system cleaners, download managers, disk defragmenters, codecs, browser toolbars, ringtones, screensavers, wallpapers, and so on

Family & Relationships 

  •  Includes services for bereavement, divorce, eldercare, marriage & civil unions

Health & Beauty Claims  

  • Includes ads that may claim the effectiveness of medication without science-based research

  • Also includes ads that may claim to promote diet, weight loss, or other health-related products; doesn’t include healthy eating or general fitness ads

Insurance Products

  • Includes offering insurance products such as mortgage insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, travel insurance, and personal liability insurance.

Legal Casino Games & Gambling 

  • Includes online gambling, sports betting and location-based gambling where this is an opportunity to win money/prizes. 
  • Also includes simulated gambling games (including poker, slots, bingo, lotteries, sports betting, betting on races, as well as other card games and casino games) where there is no opportunity to win anything of value (such as money or prizes). 


  • Ads that highlight an article or content format that presents information in the form of a list. The most common form of listicle is a short list of 10-20 items that are based on a specific theme.

Loan Products

  • Includes offers like consumer lending, home equity, loans, credit card cash advances, mortgages and debt consolidation 

Misleading Financial Claims  

  • Ads that offer to share lucrative business secrets with consumers, or significant money and merchandise for little or nothing in return. 
  • Includes work from home offers, online surveys, and other proposals for consumers to “get rich quick.”


  • Includes ads that look like native, or generate a native “content” style creative, in effort to get more users to click. Native-like ads do not utilize LiveIntent’s Native Ad Blueprint technology and are served like a standard display creative.

Pharmaceuticals & Medication 

  • Includes ads for prescription drugs, supplements, or medications that are backed by science-based research.

Political Campaigns & Elections

  • Includes ads for political campaigns, elections, candidates, or voter awareness.

Political Content & Products

  • Includes ads addressing controversial social issues, ads referencing well-known politicians, and ads touching on events widely perceived to be political in nature, such as protests, terrorist attacks, wars and conflicts.

Religious Content

  • Includes religious ads and ads advocating for or against religious views

  • Does not include astrology or non-denominational spirituality

Sexual Health & Wellness 

  • Includes ads for products and services for sexual function 
  • Also includes ads with information related to STDs and medications. 

Significant Skin Exposure

  • Ad images where any part of the adult human body from the sternum to the mid-thigh is not clothed (partial nudity) or the body is clothed in underwear, lingerie, swimsuits or revealing clothes or non-clothing items such as a towel or bed sheet
  • This category also includes situational content that is deemed ‘sexual’ in nature

Advertiser Policy

LiveIntent requires ads be truthful, accurate, and up-to-date at the time they’re first shown to users. For more information, please see the bullets below:

  • Branding and mention of the sponsor of the advertisement must be clear and visible (Note: political ads must have a “paid for by” statement to be considered)
  • All advertising claims must be factually supported
    • Examples: We cannot accept offers recommended by an unnamed “top expert” or similar, content offering “hacks,” “secrets,” information “experts don’t want you to know” etc.
  • Users must be able to perform the ad’s call to action – if any – on the site, within 2 clicks of the landing page
  • The information and language on the linked landing page must relate directly to the offer and be consistent with the  language used on the creative(s)
  • All advertised products, prices, offers, and discounts must be available on your site, at most two clicks away from your landing page, or through a basic search on your site
  • All discounts and offers in your ad must be up-to-date and must match the content on your website
  • Any pricing information in ads must comply with local regulations concerning inclusion of tax and other applicable charges
  • Pop-up windows are prohibited
  • Displaying a confirmation dialog to leave a page or advertiser site is prohibited
  • Redirecting to another site/domain regardless of the affiliation to the advertiser’s site without clear indication is prohibited
  • Creatives that are advertising sweepstakes and contests must be legally compliant and contain all relevant details, including rules and disclosures
    • Example: All applicable rules and disclosures must be present in ad creative, including only on landing page is not sufficient
  • Advertising claims related to medical performance or results that are unsubstantiable
  • Any other practices, that may degrade or otherwise impact negatively the consumer experience are prohibited

Campaigns and creative may be canceled under any of the following design conditions:

  • Poor quality of images or text
  • No brand and/or vague messaging
  • Resembles Windows, Unix, Mac, or any device or OS dialog boxes.
  • Ads can’t simulate email inbox notifications
  • Simulate fake interactivity
    • Example: Content that implies varied outcomes based on where the creative image is clicked, such as an option on creative to “choose your income range”
  • Poor grammar or spelling
  • Profanity or other inappropriate language
  • Banner creative clashes with site or landing page
  • Before and after photos are generally prohibited, particularly as they relate to restricted categories including weight loss and health products
  • Advertiser site is not consistent with the offer
  • Copyrighted/trademarked material may not be used without the consent of the copyright or trademark holder unless otherwise permitted

LiveIntent may cancel, disallow or block an Advertiser at any time for any reason even if the Advertiser or Partner received prior approval for the Advertiser, campaign or creative.

  • LiveIntent may notify the advertiser, but is not under any obligation do so
  • LiveIntent may offer an advertiser an opportunity to correct the issue, but is under no obligation to do so
  • Advertiser is responsible for all media fees incurred
  • LiveIntent may change this policy at any time

Any requests for campaign launches and creative or landing page changes received after 3 pm EST will not be executed until the next business day.


If an Advertiser or Partner categorizes the Advertiser, Campaign or Creative, they must do so accurately using the IAB’s Taxonomy and Tier 1 categories at a minimum. Additionally, if an Advertisement contains or mentions a politician, it must be classified as political.

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